Nowadays, Japanese people who don’t have car are more and more increasing, because a means of public transportation is more and more increasing in Japan. I also don’ have a car because I think to have a car don’t offers merit for me.
If I have a car, I can go to place near house certainly. But, parking fee is too high in Japan, because Japan has a small surface area.
Depending on the place, parking fee is about 30,000yen(≒300$) per month and also car inspection, insurance. So I don’t have a car and rent when I need.
I often rent a car on internet car reservation shop”jalan rentacar” because it is safe and the cheapest. I think it is the best car rental shop but language is Japanese text only… So, I introduce how to reserve a car by jalan rentacar shop in English.
✔︎When we rent a car, international driving permit is needed.
✔︎There is cases in which clerks in rental car shop don’t speak English or tourists from overseas is unavailable this service.
✔︎Most Japanese car rental shops request us to fill up with gasoline when we return a car.
✔︎You will need to take full responsibility for your action.
The best price car rental shop”jalan rentacar” in Japan
We can rent a car from jalan rentacar through the internet.
When we rent a car from it, we can use a discount coupon. This is the key to make car rental cost cheaper.
We need to resister for membership, when we get discount coupon.(resister is free)
So, at the first use, we need to do 3 operation as below.
- Resister for membership
- Get discount coupon
- Car rental by using coupon
Resister for membership
This is 3 steps.
- Access to jalan and input our mail address.(recruit is jalan’s mother company)

①:Input our E-mail address inside border
②:Resister our E-mail address for jalan membership. Then, jalan will send E-mail to us.
- Get E-mail by jalan and input your information.
After Resistering our E-mail address for jalan membership, the screen switches as below.

Then, we check E-mail from jalan.
▼E-mail from jalan

④:Copy the authentication key(written inside border)
③:Paste it inside border③
Then, screen will switch as below.

⑤:Set and input password
⑥:Input set password one more
After that, we input our information as below.

7:”姓” means last name.
8:”名” means first name.
9:”セイ” means “姓” but this is Japanese syllabary.
10:”メイ” means “名” but this is Japanese syllabary.
✔︎We need to input our name to resister for membership in Japanese syllabary. Then, we can translate our name in English to in Japanese syllabary by google translate.

11:”生年月日” means birthday.
“年” means year.
“月” means month.
“日” means day.
12:”性別” means sex.
13:”ニックネーム” means nickname.
- Confirm the contents.
That’s all to resister for membership.
Get discount coupon
This is 2 steps.

14:”今すぐログイン” means login now and click here.
Screen switches as below.

15:input resisterd E-mail address.(E-mail address①)
16:input set password.(password ⑤ or ⑥)
17:”ログイン” means login and click here.
- Get the coupon we need
This is the example of discount coupon for car rental. This coupon means when we reserve rental car more than 30,000yen, we can save 7,000yen.

If we find the coupon to get,
18:”今すぐゲット” means get now and click here.
Car rental by using coupon
This is 2 steps.
- Search the day and place we rent

19:Select the day and time to rent a car
20:Select the day and time to return a car
21:Select the prefecture and city.
“東京” means tokyo.
“蒲田・大森・羽田…” means city.
22:”検索する” means search cars, click here.
Screen switches as below.

23:”基本料金” means basic fee.
✔︎When we rent a car, we need to pay insurance fee in addition to basic fee.
24:”定員” means riding capacity.
25:”予約へ進む” means select a car and start reservation.
After that, we scroll down next screen, and click the button like below.
▼the button

Screen switches as below.
- Rent a car after checking coupon applied

26:Check the coupon applied
27:”利用前金額” means the total fee including car insurance and rental fee.
“クーポン利用額” means saving money by the coupon.
28:”お支払い合計金額” means total fee after applying the discount coupon.
that’s all to input information. Then, just click the button in our reservation page.
▼check the reservation.

▼Confirm reservation.

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